Urban Data Science
Urban data science explains urban systems and phenomena with micro-level data
(a) Industry structure of the largest US cities (Sci. Adv., 2020),
(b) human mobility networks in five Korean cities (Physica A, 2016), and
(c) happiness and urban green space measured by satellite imagery (EPJ DS, 2021)
NLP Applications
NLP applications allow explorations of knowledge through text data
(a) International research collaboration by topics (PLoS One, 2019) and
(b) network of vocational education programs in Singapore quantified by BERT
Network Science
Network science describes real-world phenomena with underlying interactions
(a) Small-world network of global protests (Sci. Rep., 2021),
(b) heterogeneity in information spreading by polarization (Appl. Net. Sci., 2021), and
(c) estimation of the COVID-19 spread by protests