Computational Social Science and Complex Systems Lab (CSL)
Computational Social Science and Complex Systems Lab (CSL) is a research group at the Graduate School of Data Science (link) at Chonnam National University (link), Korea. CSL pursues understanding and explanation of complex social systems with data science with a focus on urban data science, bibliographic analysis, and network science.
Research areas include but are not limited to:
- Urban data science: Human mobility / Labor and industry / Sustainability
- Bibliography: Publications / Human capital / Patents
- Network science: Social & mass media / Epidemics / Spreading processes
2023년 한국복잡계학회 연구논문 경진대회 수상
December 16, 2023
지난 2023년 12월 16일에 개최된 한국복잡계학회 연구논문 경진대회에서 석사과정 이형재 학생이 우수발표상을 수상하였습니다.